Microsoft Windows 7 to be launched on October 22

Microsoft Windows 7 to be officially released on October 22nd.The price of Windows 7 is $120 which is cheaper than Windows Vista pricing.Bill Gates has huge hopes on Windows 7 and he feels that this would be a huge hit just like Windows XP.


The price of Windows 7 is comparitively cheaper than Widows Vista.You can save 10 dollars and in the Premium edition you can save 40 $ since the pricing as been reduced from 240 $ to 200 $.


The good news for the Windows XP users is that they can upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 7 at relatively cheap rates.The pre-order of Windows 7 makes this possible.The only thing is we need to know which edition of Windows we are using now and we need to change to that corresponding new edition.Foe example if we are using Windows XP Home Edition we can change to Windows 7 Home Edition.More over for all the new buyers of Windows Vista they provide a free demo version of Windows Vista
READ MORE - Microsoft Windows 7 to be launched on October 22

Ford Mustang Shelby GT500KR 2009 Specification

Engine bay of 1969 AMC (American Motors Corpor...Image via Wikipedia

we know that recently is 40th anniversary Edition Shelby GT500KR "King of the Road" Mustang, and it was sold in 1,000 units,wow it is great, now Ford and Shelby announced they will build 746 units more to be sold as 2009 Ford Shelby GT500KR. Out of those 571 units of the 2009 Ford Shelby GT500KR will be destined for the US market. The 2009 Ford Shelby GT500KR is powered by a 5.4-liter supercharged V8 engine that features a Ford Racing Power Upgrade Pack and develops 540 hp.Shelby GT500KR “King of the Road” Mustangs, Ford and Shelby Automobiles announce that an additional 746 units will be built for the 2009 model year to help meet worldwide demand of the supercar. Of that total, 571 units will be available for U.S. customers thus equaling the 1,571-unit production run of the original Shelby GT500KR. The remainder of the units will be for countries that did not receive 2008 models.
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Daewoo G2X The Korean style of the Saturn Sky Roadster -

Saturn Sky at 2008 GM Style Eventgambar diambil dari Saturn_on_Flickr melalui Flickr

Daewoo G2X on GM’s Korean accessory apparent the G2X auto at the Busan International Motor Appearance (April 28 until May 7). Besides the name, the Daewoo G2X is identical to the Saturn Sky Auto & the Opel GT Roadster.

Like its American brother, the two-seater G2X appearance a 177 horsepower, 2.4-liter engine. Equipped with a five-speed chiral transmission, the G2X hopes to allure burghal drivers in the 21-35 age bracket, a business official at the auto appearance said.

Pricing capacity were still actuality set and the archetypal is accepted to hit showrooms aural months, according to Korean officials.

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Dream 11 : Play online cricket

online cricket

The latest form of cricket T20 is fast catching all and even companies are making games based on that.The latest buzz is that a company as made a online game for cricket where we cam select our own team of 11 players and play the game online.

How to Play Fantasy Cricket:

1. Register yourself in the
2. Select the players whom you like the most to form your own team
3. The only criteria is that manage your player selection within the allotted budget.
4. Points are allotted based on how your players perform.

The beta version of the game has been released and it is the first graphical game available online. Go have a look and enjoy the game.
READ MORE - Dream 11 : Play online cricket

Google Squared the new search engine tool launched by Google


Google the search engine giant launches a new search tool called "Google Squared".Generally Google search engine provides a list of webpage links when we search for a particular information.

Google Squared the new search engine tool automatically fetches facts and data and organizes them and gives the user who has queried in with a particular keyword.Google Squared could be useful for user who needs to make multiple searches to find the information they want in a particular topic.
READ MORE - Google Squared the new search engine tool launched by Google