The policy in office is so strict that we cannot access E-mail services or even social networking sites in office.What is the solution and how can we breach in to the security to access Yahoo ,Gmail and other favorite social networking sites like Facebook and Orkut.Generally people tell you use proxy,but if you are caught, they mightgo up to the extend of sacking you from the job.Hmmm what can be done.Tensed.Dont worry just relax and here is the solution
NutshellMail.com is a site where you can create a account for FREE and enter the social networking sites Email Id and password and even Yahoo and Gmail Id Username and password.Then you need to set the time and date when you would like to get the mails to the NutshellMail account.That is you are done.
NutshellMail.com collects all the mail from the various ID's that you have mentioned and displays them in a single place under your NutShell Mail account.This is a very useful feature and I tried this and use this in times of urgency to sneak a preview of whether I had got any important mails.Moreover you need not login into various accounts,you can get all the account details from a single place.It is really worth trying this.